5 rue Conté, 75003 Paris - France - Tel. +33.1.42715780

DBA in International Business Communication

On-campus in French / Online in English

- Year-by-Year Breakdown - Course Description

Today, globalization is a way of life. The emergence of regional trade agreements, communication technology, and international mobility has paved the way for more opportunities than ever in such fields of international management, marketing, and finance. This phenomenal growth has also created a void for leaders with the skills to create solutions in an increasingly multicultural world where effective business communication is a must. Horizons University has the answer for meeting this need.

The DBA  at Horizons University is designed to help students realize their potential as experts in the field of global business communication. The program prepares future scholars and practitioners who can successfully interface the technical context of business with the complexities of an increasing diverse global environment. Through our core courses, students learn from world renowned scholars in a one-on-one active learning setting. Our elective courses allow students to become experts by developing their own applied research projects in close consultation with their mentors. Students can also increase their profiles by publishing in the Horizons University Journal of International Business Communication.

Duration 3 years
Credit Value 180ECTS
Admission Requirements Bachelor’s degree in Business or equivalent; Master’s degree in Business or equivalent; 3+ years working experience - Options available for those without business-focused degrees or work experience
Languages English (online) or French (on-campus)
Study Options Online or On-Campus
Tuition 3450€ yearly
Registration Fee 60€ yearly
Technology Fee 80€ yearly

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The structure of a typical course will require students to read materials supplied by the university, study related materials, and perform personal research on selected topics. Confirmation of learning may be determined via papers, projects, quizzes or exams.

Career Prospects
The DBA in International Business Communication prepares students for leadership positions in global organizations, for careers as independent consultants, and skilled researchers in business-oriented activities.

The Horizons University DBA is accredited by an European accrediting body – ECBE. Both recognize Horizons University’s commitment to continuous improvement, and focus on student learning outcomes. The accreditation distinguishes Horizons University because of its top Faculty, who meet demanding standards, and are known for their teaching excellence. The accreditation is also a guarantee that students are learning skills that are valuable in the workplace.

What our doctorate students say about the Horizons University DBA program

“Very challenging and inspiring”

“Interactive and practical”

“This program will help me in my long term plan of setting up my own
consultancy, specialised in the field of Supply Chain Management”

“I chose this program because it will enhance my career development in
International Business, General Management, and Entrepreneurship”

“I choose this program because I aim to share my knowledge, and to teach at a high level”

“I chose the program because of its flexibility, and because it gives me
the opportunity to do research in my area of interest”



DBA program is accredited by ECBE - European Council for Business Education

Year-by-Year Breakdown


Year 1
DBA658 - 10 ECTS  International Business Strategy
DBA674 - 10 ECTS  Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
DBA673 - 10 ECTS  Business Research Methods
DBA792 - 10 ECTS Dissertation Proposal
Year 2
DBA650 - 10 ECTS

International Business Communication

DBA660 - 10 ECTS

Global Economy

DBA661 - 10 ECTS Multicultural Management
DBA802 - 40 ECTS Dissertation Writing
Year 3
DBA670 - 10 ECTS Global Communication
DBA782 - 20 ECTS Journal Writing
DBA810 - 40 ECTS

Dissertation writing up and Defense



DBA658 - International Business Strategy (DBA in International Management Specialization)

(10ECTS/4US credits)

The International business strategy course is grounded on the fundamental principles of strategic management and focuses on strategy making in business corporations.  Emphasis is on corporate and business level strategic analysis, strategy formulation and implementation.  Strategic management emphasizes the determination and evaluation of environmental opportunities and threats in light of strengths and weaknesses in the organization’s value chain in order to enhance its core competencies and craft a sustainable competitive advantage.

DBA650 - International Business Communication (DBA in International Communication Specialization)

(10ECTS/4US credits)

The course is an exploration of the cultural, social, political, historical, religious, legal, and communication influences that impact international business negotiations, consultations, transactions, and conflicts. Emphases will be placed on major world business cultures, including those in Latin America, Asia/Pacific, Eastern and Western Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The aim is to develop skills in applied international business communication, which is essential for participation in an increasingly globalized business world.

DBA670 - Global Communication

(10ECTS/4US credits)

This course is part of our DBA in International Business. Its aim is to show students the various aspects of global communication and how it is influenced by history, language and culture. The course also focuses on the issues, challenges and obstacles raised by Global Communication, especially in the context of politics, journalism, science and business.

DBA674 - Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

(10ECTS/4US credits)

An introduction to a range of quantitative and qualitative data collection and methods of data analysis. Students will learn about and be able to distinguish between quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research.   Qualitative methods include including Action Research,  Appreciative Inquiry,  Focus Groups, Interviews and Narrative Data Analysis. Quantitative methods include Descriptive Research Designs, Experimental and Ex Post Facto Designs, and Descriptive  Statistics.

DBA673: Business Research Methods                                             

(10ECTS/4US credits)

This course focuses on the development of research skills and the design of research used for business.  Students will be introduced to various research approaches and learn what strategies, methods, and techniques are in use.  Students will be expected to design a business research proposal, formulate basic and secondary research questions, develop a strategy for data collection, develop a literature review, create a model of the expected results or outcomes and finally to formulate ways to operationalize their study with stakeholder involvement.

DBA782 - Journal Writing. 

This course facilitates the student’s ability to write, review, edit, and format an original paper to meet the publication standards of an academic journal.  When completed, the course results in a published article in Horizons University Business Journal.

DBA792 - Dissertation Proposal

(10ECTS/4US credits)

This course focuses on the development of the Dissertation Proposal under the supervision of a Doctoral Faculty member. During the course students will be guided through the completion of the Dissertation Proposal, and by the end of it will have a Research Proposal that is to be submitted to Horizons University.


DBA660 - Global Economy

(10ECTS/4US credits)

This course examines the world’s economy from a global as well as various local perspectives. Globalization has increased the interdependence of the economies of nations around the world, but this interdependence does not imply all differences in economies have vanished. The Global economy is made up of many different actors, some international such as the World Bank, IMF, WTO and large multinational firms, others national such as national governments and some local. The course is designed to exam both the overall global economy and some of its individual components.

 DBA661 - Multicultural Management

(10ECTS/4US credits)

This course seeks to provide students with an understanding of effective cross-cultural management and the challenges that are likely to be faced while working internationally. The course focuses on international organizational behavior and human resource issues and practices in transnational organizations.

DBA802 - Dissertation writing

(40ECTS/16US credits)
 After completing this course, students will be able to:

  1. Formulate a thesis topic
  2. Evaluate resources to assist in developing thesis proposal
  3. Write a proposal for a thesis/dissertation

DBA802 - Dissertation writing up and Defense

(40ECTS/16US credits)
 After completing this course, students will be able to:

  1. Write a proposal for a thesis/dissertation
  2. Demonstrate ability to prepare and conduct an oral presentation on thesis proposal.


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